Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I accepted a Disney Professional Internship!

That's right, in January I will be heading back down to good ole' Florida for some more Disney adventures! But this time I'll be doing some PR for the mouse (and in an air conditioned office--WOOT!)

I haven't blogged in a while, but hey, it's been a busy second half of the year! I've moved around quite a bit from Florida to New York to California and eventually back to New York. It's crazy how many states I've had the chance to live in recently and I'm extremely grateful. I've grown more than I ever thought possible since the last time I posted (March 2014) and I'm excited for the new beginnings and adventures that wait.

While this semester has had both it's ups and downs--it's taught me more about how to handle stress, a large work load, and what the real world actually entails. While preparing for my future and balancing school and internship work, I found myself feeling constrained and definitely played this scene with my roommate many times (I'm the beast):

 and this was a regular occurrence in our room:

Because why go out when you can stay in? As we always say "Turn up? Nah man, turn of that light because it's BRIGHT AS HECK!"

I definitely found myself wanting to go to bed at 8 every night, instead of staying up late and hanging out. But I also learned that it's okay to take a breather and have some fun--sometimes too much fun. I mean, this is my last semester of college (when did I get here?!). While many mistakes can be made with that mentality, it also brought me closer to the person I see myself becoming. After all, mistakes help shape us, even if it hurts getting there... and even if my Sunday mornings often looked liked this:

Having people around who supported me, a kick ass roommate who listened to all my crap (Evon you are THE BEST--don't know how I would have gotten through this semester without you), and the greatest friends a girl could ask for helped me through it. I've even realized while alone time can be, well, lonely, it's needed.

So I've officially turned my TOMS and hoodies in for flats and blazers--who would have thought? I miss those damn shoes though...anyway what I'm trying to say is that if 6 months ago you would have told me not only would I be moving to Florida, but that I would once again be working for the Walt Disney Company I probably would have laughed in your face. But here we are and here I go to the land of humidity and WAY too many lizards. Hopefully graduating college won't mean this though (well not completely):

Sorry for this extremely sappy post, but I'm feeling more and more sappy as December 21st and my imminent graduation approaches. I'll try and update this a bit more and hopefully keep it going as I move to Florida. As for now, I go home tomorrow (Rochester) to gorge on pie and mashed potatoes and squeeze my dog tight. Maybe even throw in a band practice or two with some knuckle heads that I know.

Have a great Thanksgiving guys--I know I have a lot to be thankful for.

To everyone in my life, thank you for everything and always know...

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